Chairperson: Dr. Yapa BANDARA
Vice-Chairperson: Jayadev AJAYAKUMAR
Secretary: Dr. Ndungi MUNGAI
Treasurer: George JOHN
Members: Kiprono LANGAT, Enas MOHAMED, Dr. Maheswaran ROHAN, Jeremias IBARRETA, Seremaia ROKOSUKA, Tomasi ROKOQICA & Dr. Asad ASADUZZAMAN
Sub-committees: Governance; Finance, Audit and Risk; Communications, Marketing and Community Relations; Community Development and Innovation.
Our clear focus is a commitment to our governance.
During the past year, the Board has:
Monitored the financial management of the organisation and is in a sound financial position to guarantee the future of MCWW
Maintained positive and productive dialogue and planning protocols with the Manager
Conducted Manager’s Performance Appraisal
Provide financial support to community groups to conduct events catering to the broader community and enhancing and strengthening social cohesion.
Attended consultation meetings at Multicultural NSW and/or participated via teleconference.
Represented MCWW and attended community events as appropriate, e.g. FUSION Festival, Refugee Week events, Mayoral receptions, Cultural community events, and Australia Day celebrations.
Continued to seek ways to expand services and support our clients.