Chairperson:  Dr. Yapa BANDARA

Vice-Chairperson:  Jayadev AJAYAKUMAR
Secretary: Dr. Ndungi MUNGAI
Treasurer:  George JOHN

Members: Kiprono LANGAT, Enas MOHAMED, Dr. Maheswaran ROHAN, Jeremias IBARRETA, Seremaia ROKOSUKA, Tomasi ROKOQICA & Dr. Asad ASADUZZAMAN

Sub-committees: Governance; Finance, Audit and Risk; Communications, Marketing and Community Relations; Community Development and Innovation.

Our clear focus is a commitment to our governance.

During the past year, the Board has:

  • Monitored the financial management of the organisation and is in a sound financial position to guarantee the future of MCWW

  • Maintained positive and productive dialogue and planning protocols with the Manager

  • Conducted Manager’s Performance Appraisal

  • Provide financial support to community groups to conduct events catering to the broader community and enhancing and strengthening social cohesion.

  • Attended consultation meetings at Multicultural NSW and/or participated via teleconference.

  • Represented MCWW and attended community events as appropriate, e.g. FUSION Festival, Refugee Week events, Mayoral receptions, Cultural community events, and Australia Day celebrations.

  • Continued to seek ways to expand services and support our clients.